Is your Autumn sorted? Let’s ‘fall’ into new routines….

October 15th 2022

The end of Summer, the children going back to school, Autumn has a feeling of routine and a bit more structure.

It can be a great time to gently introduce a new healthy habit. We’ll be asking you to think about what small things you do everyday that make a positive impact.  We’re sharing ours to get you started!

Linda – I have a glass of water first thing every morning (before my coffee)!  I get the glass ready the night before to make it easy.
Natalie – At the end of my morning shower I have a blast of cold water for a few minutes.  It’s really good for the immune system.  It was difficult at first, but it gets easier when it becomes a habit!
Charlotte – I plan something to look forward to in my day. It can be as simple as a cup of decaff coffee and five minutes peace!
Debora – I take a moment at the end of each day to read. It really helps me to relax and be mindful.
Michelle – Every day when I’m outside I make sure I take a moment to focus on five deep breaths.  In through the nose and out through the mouth.

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